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高中资料:中国传统文化知识英文表达超全汇总(词、句、篇).docx 第1页
高中资料:中国传统文化知识英文表达超全汇总(词、句、篇).docx 第2页
高中资料:中国传统文化知识英文表达超全汇总(词、句、篇).docx 第3页
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第一部分 中国节日 一 .春节 Spring Festival  ⑴ It falls on the first day of the first lunar month (阴历正月) . ⑵ People follow many national and local customs. ⑶ We paste spring poems ( 贴春联 )with luck words on the door. ⑷ We eat delicious food with symbolic values (有象征意义的美味食品), for example, chicken for good luck. ⑸ We exchange greetings with friends and relatives. ⑹ People may give children lucky money in red paper. ⑴ 阴历的正月初一是春节。 ⑵ 人们延续很多传统习俗。 ⑶ 我们在门上贴春联。 ⑷ 我们吃有象征意义的美味食品,比如鸡肉。 ⑸ 我们相互拜年问候。 ⑹ 人们给小孩压岁钱。 二.元宵节 the Lantern Festival  ⑴ It comes on the 15th of the first lunar month. ⑵ It marks the end of the Spring Festival. ⑶ On that day, people eat sweet dumplings for good luck. ⑷ Special activities include the display of lanterns (灯笼) and riddle solving (猜灯谜) . ⑴ 元宵节在农历的正月十五。 ⑵ 它标志着春节的结束。 ⑶ 那一天,人们吃汤圆,以求吉祥如意。 ⑷ 有些特色的活动,比如观灯、猜灯谜。 三.清明节 Tomb-Sweeping Day ⑴ It is also called Tomb-Sweeping Day. It comes on April 4th or 5th . ⑵ In Chinese Qingming means “clear and bright”. ⑶ It is a day for the living to show love and respect to dead frends , relatives and ancestors. ⑷ People will sweep the tombs, light incense, put meats, vegetables, wine in front of the tomb . ⑸ Besides, people burn paper money for the dead to use in after life. ⑴ 清明节也叫 “ 扫墓节 ” ,实在 4 月 4 日或 5 日。 ⑵ 在汉语中  “ 清明 ” 是 “clear and bright” 的意思。 ⑶ 那一天寄托了对死去的亲朋好友和祖先的感情和尊敬。 ⑷ 人们在墓前扫墓、点香烛、放上酒肉等。 ⑸ 除此之外,人们烧纸钱,供他们在死后使用。 四.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival  ⑴ It is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month. ⑵ It honors the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. ⑶ People gather to watch the colorful “Dragon Boat Races”( 龙舟比赛 ). ⑷ People eat rice dumplings on that day. ⑴ 端午节在农历五月初五。 ⑵ 端午节是为了纪念古代诗人 —— 屈原。 ⑶ 人们聚在一起看龙舟比赛。 ⑷ 人们在那一天吃粽子。 The Dra


