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初中英语语法:宾语从句精练+答案解析.docx 第1页
初中英语语法:宾语从句精练+答案解析.docx 第2页
初中英语语法:宾语从句精练+答案解析.docx 第3页
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Part1  基础巩固 单项选择。 ( ) 1. Laura, someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see          ,please . ( 湖南长沙中考 ) A. who is he     B.who it is      C.who is it      D.who he is   ( ) 2. - Hi ,Mary ! I want to go to Qinghai Museum, but I am not sure         get there. - Don't worry. Let me tell you. ( 青海西宁中考 )  A. how could I B. how I can C. how can I  D.how I did   ( ) 3 .- Sandy, do you still remember         the Palace Museum? - Yes.About five years ago. ( 江苏宿迁中考 )  A.when we visit B. when do we visit    C.when we visited  D.when did we visit    ( ) 4. I don't remember         for the first time.  ( 广西桂林中考 )  A. when I met her B. when I meet her    C. when I will meet her D. when I am going to meet her    (  )5 .-I don't know         . -At 3:00 p.m.yesterday . ( 西藏中考 )   A. when the video meeting finished B. when did the video meeting finish C. where the video meeting finished D. where did the video meeting finish ( ) 6.-Do you know         ? -In the 1960s. ( 辽宁沈阳中考 )  A.where Havoc in Heaven was created B.when Havoc in Heaven was created C.where was Havoc in Heaven created D.when was Havoc in Heaven created (  )7 .-Could you please tell me         ? - At the supermarket across from our school. ( 广西玉林中考 )  A. where can I buy some masks( 口罩 ) B. when I can buy some masks C. when can buy some masks D. where I can buy some masks ( ) 8.-Could you please tell me         ? -Next Thursday morning. ( 北京中考 )   A. when we visited the Capital Museum B.when did we visit the Capital Museum C.when we will visit the Capital Museum D. when will we visit the Capital Museum ( ) 9.-Excuse me, I'm new here. Could you please tell me         ? In five minutes. ( 四川成都中考模拟 ) A.how soon will the next subway arrive B. how soon the next subway arrives C. how soon the next subway will arrive D. how soon the next subway arrived (  )10.On the phone her father asked her         then. ( 湖南株洲中考 )  A. what was she doing B. what she was doing      C. when she was doing D. when was she doing     ( ) 11.-Excuse me, could you tell me         ? - Sure.You can take the No.2 bus from here and get off in front of the cinema. ( 山东临沂中考 ) A.when Sun Cinema closes today B. how I can get to Sun Cinema C. how can I get to Sun Cinema D.when does Sun Cinema close today ( ) 12.-I've just received a WeChat message-“ ttyl ”. Do you know         ? -It means “talk to you later". ( 辽宁阜新中考 )  A. what does it mean B. what it means C. how it means D. how does it mean   ( ) 13.-Could you tell me         ? -I play sports twice a week. ( 辽宁鞍山中考 )  A. why you play sports B. how long you play sports     C. if you play sports D. how often you play sports   ( ) 14. You look nice on the dress. Could you tell me          ?( 内蒙古呼和浩特中考 ) A. where did you buy it B. where you bought it     C. where do you buy it  D.where you buy it     ( ) 15 .- The concert will be held in China. Do you know         ? -Yes. In Beijing.  ( 安徽安庆月考 )  A. when it was held B. when was it held    C. what city it will be held in D. what city will it be held in   Part 2  难点突破 一、单项选择。 (  )1 .-I wonder         . - You can eat more fruit and vegetables and have a good living habit. ( 湖南邵阳中考 ) A. how can I keep healthy B. why I can keep healthy C. how I can keep healthy D. why can I keep healthy ( ) 2.-Excuse me, would you please tell me         ? -Certainly. It's about ten minutes' walk. ( 甘肃武威月考 )  A.where is the nearest shop B. how I can get to the nearest shop C. how far the nearest shop is D. how soon can I reach the nearest shop (  )3 .-Can you guess         ? -Maybe Guangdong.She always makes soup for meals. ( 广西河池中考 )  A. why does she come here  B.why she comes here      C. where does she come from D. where she comes from (  )4 .-Excuse me, do you know         ? -Well, go along this street and turn right. It's on the left. ( 辽宁阜新中考 )  A. how can I get


