文库 中考专题 英语


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新目标七年级(下册)英语Units1-12课文重点句子翻译精练+答案.docx 第1页
新目标七年级(下册)英语Units1-12课文重点句子翻译精练+答案.docx 第2页
新目标七年级(下册)英语Units1-12课文重点句子翻译精练+答案.docx 第3页
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Unit 1 1.他不会讲英语。 He doesn't_________ _________. 2.顾先生精通多种语言,他会说八种语言。 Mr. Gu is_________ _________languages. He can speak eight languages. 3.这位老师对孩子很有一套。 The teacher is very _________ _________children. Good with 4.我想和所有新学生交朋友 I want to _________ _________ with all the new students. 5.我常帮我父母做家务。 I often ____ my parents ____ the housework. 6.今天我想去学校和金的老师谈一谈。 I want to go to the school today to _________ _________Kim's teacher.  7.我弟弟会弹钢琴,但他不会下国际象棋。 My younger brother can play the piano, but he can't_________ _________. Unit 2 1.Tony通常放学后做作业。 Tony usually _________ _________ after school. 2.我们没有太多时间开展体育活动。 We don’t have too much _________ _________ sports. 3.你可以今天或明天来。 You can come _________ today _________ tomorrow. 4.不要在暗处看书,这对你的眼睛有害。 Don’t read in the dark. It’s _________ _________ your eyes. 5.约翰总是早起,所以他上学很少迟到。 John always _________ __________ early so he is never late for school 6.我在电台的新工作真的很有趣。 My new job at the_________ __________ is really interesting. 7.Sam经常在周末帮助他的妈妈做家务。 Sam often helps his mother with housework _________ _________ . 8.很多人喜欢读莫言的书。他是著名的作家。 _________ _________people like reading Mo Yan's books. He is a famous writer. 9.——Sam,你能帮你妹妹穿衣服吗? ——好的。我去给她拿衣服。 —Sam, can you help your sister_________ _________. —OK. I’ll get her clothes. Unit 3 1.大多数学生步行去上学。 Most of the students _________ _________school on foot.  2.乘公交车去那儿我通常要花十分钟左右的时间。 It usually _________ me _________ about ten minutes get there by bus.  3.在那个小山村里根本就没有电脑。 _________ _________ no computers in that small mountain village.  4.从这里到公共汽车站有多远? _________ _________ is it from here to the bus stop?How far 5.我每天上两个小时的英语课。 I have an English lesson for two hours_________ _________. 6.不断干下去,你的梦


