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初中英语语法:构词法精练+答案解析.docx 第1页
初中英语语法:构词法精练+答案解析.docx 第2页
初中英语语法:构词法精练+答案解析.docx 第3页
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Part 1  基础巩固 单项选择。 ( ) 1.Mr. Black is an         in the army, not an         in the government. You can not easily find him in his ( 广东中考 )   A. official; officer; office B. officer; office; official   C. official; official; official D. officer; official; office  (  )2 . The child looked at me        .  ( 江西中考模拟 )  A. stranger B. strangely  C.strange  D. strangeness    ( ) 3.Canada is mainly an         country.       ( 上海中考模拟 )  A. English-speaking B. speak-English  C. spoken-English  D.English -spoken ( ) 4.Look! There is         over there. Do you know him?  ( 广东东莞七下 )  A. a 8-year-old boy B. an 8-year-old boy  C. an 8 years old boy D. a 8-years old boy (  )5 .-I want to be         . What should I do? -First, you must keep        every day.      ( 江苏宿迁七上 )  A. health; happy B. unhealthy; happily C.healthy ; happy D. health; happily ( ) 6. Which of the following suffixes( 后缀 )means “without”?    ( 甘肃武威中考 )  A.-able  B.-ful       C.-ous     D.-less   ( ) 7. She spoke         to the frightened child.      ( 甘肃白银九上 )  A.gently  B. gentle  C.gentleman       D.gentlely      ( ) 8. The suit is inexpensive but well-made. In the word “ inexpensive", the “in-” means         ( 江苏 南师附九下 ) A. very B. more C. not     D. less    ( ) 9. He works hard and is often         . I hope he will have more         at his business.     ( 江苏扬州九上 )  A. successful; success B. success; successful C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful (  )10 .-Look! It is raining______. - That's right. The rain is too       to go shopping. ( 贵州铜仁中考 )  A. heavily; heavy  B.heavily ; heavily C.heavy ; heavy D. heavy; heavily ( ) 11. People in different countries behave         when they eat dinner. ( 湖北恩施州中考 ) A. difference  B.different     C. differently  D.differ   ( ) 12. The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous landmark in San Francisco.Which of the following words is created in the same way as the word “landmark”? ( 江苏南京中考 )  A. unpleasant  B.useless       C. summertime  D.surprising   (  )13.What a surprise! He won the         hurdles( 跨栏 ).   ( 四川巴中中考 )  A.110-meter B.110-meters C.110 meter      D.110-meters-long     ( ) 14. In the words “ unhappy" and “ unusual", the “un” means         .( 江苏南京中考 ) A.very   B.most     C.not        D.less      ( ) 15. The climbers made a fire during the night in order to be         in the mountain. ( 上海中考 ) A. safe       B.safely   C.save      D.safety Part 2  难点突破 一、根据要求变换词形。 1. agree( 否定词 )              2. polite ( 否定词 )              3.fair( 否定词 )              4.happy( 否定词 )                     5. possible ( 否定词 )              6.appear( 否定词 )               7.wind ( 形容词 )                    8.rain( 形容词 )               9.sand( 形容词 )                10.dangerous ( 名词 )               11.helpful ( 名词 )                    12.care ( 形容词 )                  13.peace ( 形容词 )              14.foolish ( 名词 )               15.happy( 名词 )                16.quick( 动词 )               17.wide( 动词 )                  18. develop( 名词 )                 19.move( 名词 )                 20.disappoint( 名词 )               21.arrival ( 动词 )              22.teacher( 动词 )               23.visit ( 名词 )                  24.important (  名词 )                  25.possible ( 名词 )                   26.comfortable ( 否定词 )                    27.twenty( 序数词 )                   28. sleepless( 名词 )                    29.enter( 名词 )                    30.China( 形容词 )                    二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.Ms Zhang is our English           (teach).She            (teach) us well. 2.Unluckily , the man found himself           (able) to move after a fall. 3.Without my father's help, I was           (able) to finish the marathon the other day. 4.If you do something           (mean), you will have a bunch of reasons to go through the day full of energy. 5.


