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初中英语语法:主谓一致精练+答案解析.docx 第1页
初中英语语法:主谓一致精练+答案解析.docx 第2页
初中英语语法:主谓一致精练+答案解析.docx 第3页
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Part1  基础巩固 单项选择。 (  ) 1. The number of students       800 at my school. ( 甘肃甘南州中考 )     A. am B.is C.are     D.be       ( ) 2. The pair of trousers       me. I'll take it.       ( 黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考 )    A.fit B.fts       C.will fit D.is fitted     ( )3. Neither Li Hua nor I       good at writing.      ( 湖南永州中考 )  A.am B.is C.are     D.were   (  ) 4.Either the students or the teacher       him very well.     ( 甘肃天水中考 )  A.knows B. to know C.know  D.knew  (  ) 5.Both Mike and I       ready for the new high school life. ( 新疆生产建设兵团中考 ) A. be B.am      C.is D.are     ( ) 6. To the west of our school       some bookstores and a park.( 江苏常州中考 ) A. lies B. lie      C.has     D.have   ( )7.Not only children but also my husband       crazy about the movie. ( 江苏淮安期末 )A. is  B.are     C.am      D.be       ( ) 8. Journey to the West is interesting. Both my father and my sister       the book very much. ( 湖南省怀化中考 )     A. likes   B. like    C.dislike D.liking  ( ) 9. The number of the volunteers in our city      2,000.And sixty percent of them       teachers and students.      ( 湖南常州中考 )  A. is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are     ( )10.-Which would you like, tea or coffee? ( 辽宁沈阳月考 ) -Either      OK.I really don't mind. A. is B.are. C.was D.were ( )11.- One of my friends       a tennis player in the school team. -Really? Oh, that's great! ( 广西钦州中考 )  A. is B.am      C.are     D.were   (  ) 12.- Look! A woman with three children       crossing the street. -Let's help them. ( 湖南郴州中考 )  A. is B.are     C.was     D.be       ( )13.-Do you need more time to complete the task? -Yes.Another ten days      enough.     ( 广东东莞中考 )  A.is B.was C.are     D.were   ( ) 14.-I'm hungry.        there any bread in the fridge, Mum? - None, but we have cakes. Would you like to have one? ( 四川乐山中考 )  A. Is B.Are   C.Will     D.Was    ( ) 15.-How much       the pair of shoes? - Twenty dollars      enough.       ( 黑龙江牡丹江中考模拟 )       A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are     Part 2  难点突破 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. A woman with a young boy       getting into Uncle's car.( 山东威海中考 ) A. is  B.are C.has     D.have   ( ) 2. Not only you but also everyone here       watching football matches. ( 江苏苏州期中 ) A. likes B.like     C. is like D. is liking    (  ) 3.Not only Peter but also his father       crazy about the basketball match. ( 广西河池中考 )  A. am B.is C.are     D.be       (  ) 4.It's reported that the students in some schools of our city       a PE class every day. ( 四川资阳中考 )      A.takes B.take    C.took    D.are taking (  ) 5.The number of the students in our class       about sixty-five and three fifths of them      girls.    ( 湖北恩施州中考 )     A. is; are B.is; is    C.are; is D. are; are ( ) 6. One thousand kilometers       quite a long way to the ancient, but now we can complete the journey in about one hour by air. ( 辽宁营口中考 )  A.was B.had     C.were   D.have   (  ) 7.In the face of the variation( 变异 )of the virus, not only China but also other countries       to take action to fight against the crisis( 危机 ).( 黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考 ) A.have B.has     C.having       D.had     ( ) 8.A survey of the opinions of experts       that three hours of outdoor exercise a weekgood for our health. ( 内蒙古呼和浩特中考 )    A.show; are B. shows; is   C. show; is    D. shows; are      ( ) 9. The number of the elderly( 老人 )        increasing in China, and with the development of China's economy, they      better care of in the future.( 贵州安顺中考 ) A.is; will take B. are; are taken C. is; will be taken D.are; will take ( )10.One great thing about Singapore, unlike most other Asian countries,        that the temperature is almost the same all year round. ( 四川攀枝花中考 )     A.are B.is C.was     D.were   二、句子改错。下面各句画线部分只有一处错误 , 圈出并改正。 1. Not only  my  daughter  but also  I  are  interested  in  football. ( 黑龙


